Monday 23 November 2015

Interview with Odhran Mc Kane - Triathlon Ireland Junior Academy

I recently caught up with my fellow club member and up and coming superstar in Triathlon Odhran Mc Kane.

Odhran has progressed immensely over the past two years a progression which has not gone unnoticed by fellow athletes, officials and Triathlon Ireland. At still a very young age this boy has plenty to give and with his new achievement of being a selected athlete to race in Triathlon Ireland's Cat 1 super series. He will prove his worth among the best of Ireland's triathletes and also international guests. All all of this while still at school studying.

NameOdhran Mc Kane
Age - 17

Club - North West Triathlon Club

When did you start Triathlon ?

First started triathlon after watching my father Joe take part that really got me interested so the next thing I started training for

How many races did you do this year?

I did around 14 races which included duathlons and Triathlons

What was your favourite ?

My favourite without a doubt had to be Cat1 super series race in Clogherhead, Port Beach Co.Louth was my first race in the Cat1 racing and was draft legal bike it taught me a lot more about racing.

What has been your greatest achievement to date?

Greatest achievement to date has to be being selected to racing in the Category 1 super series against the best athletes in this country and aboard. It has really risen the competitive field in triathlon in Ireland.

If you had to choose which is your favorite of the 3?

It would have to running it's my strongest of the three.

How often do you train a week?

In a typical week for me I train 6 days a week with one day of rest I usually train twice a day getting two of the different sports in on one day.

What are your main aims for next year ?

My aim for next year is to make the Northern Ireland triathlon team to go to Rio for the commonwealth games.

What is your favorite workout ?

Favorite workout has to be anything that involves outdoor swimming, whether its the sea or a lake I just love it.

Who or what inspires you ?

Has to be my parents and peers, they inspire me to do well especially my parents as they put all the effort into me since I was no age and I just like to do my very best to give a little back for what they have done for me! I hope to make it to ITU level and hopefully that will repay them!

Three to have a meal with and why?

OOHHH This is a toughy if i had to pick any three it would be my granda JJ, Nelson Mandela, and the big man himself Javier Gomez.